Career changer
es ist nie zu spät um anzufangen
Der Kurs richtet sich an Hunde ohne Vorerfahrung oder mit schlechten Angewohnheiten. Im Kurs lernt man, die richtigen Verhaltensweisen zu vermitteln, um eine enge und vertrauensvolle Beziehung aufzubauen.
Spezielles Trainingsangebot
Utility dogs
A combination of obedience training and Schutzdienst offers a very varied sport in which the human-dog relationship is strongly developed and encouraged throughout.
Rally Obedience
The human-dog team runs through a course in which various exercise stations are worked through. Dog and human communicate constantly with each other.
This sport is suitable for all, big and small, young and old, mobile and mobility limited people and dogs!
It is about tracking a particular person based on an odor sample (individual odor).
Thus, especially hunting motivated dogs get a field of activity and can live out their passion and specialization - together with their human - which has a positive effect on the human-dog relationship.
Proper utilization
Dummy course
Retrieving keeps the dog busy and gives him a good workout. Not only the four-legged friend has fun, but also the human. Dummy training strengthens basic obedience, improves the dog's skills and strengthens the human-dog team.
Playful promotion
FUN course
The human-dog team is encouraged in a playful way. The fun is in the foreground, yet a certain basic obedience is necessary. In addition to agility, we promote the individual strengths of the dogs in sniffing games, skill games, intelligence games and in everyday situations.
All dogs over one year old are welcome, including seniors.
Obedience ist eine Sportart, welche besonderes Augenmerk auf die reibungslose, zügige und präzise Ausführung der Übungen legt. Oft wird das auch „Hohe Schule“ der Unterordnung genannt.
Is there accompanying material to the course content?
Our accompanying material has been provided by VDH. It contains info on the topic:
- Children and dogs
- 12 rules for dealing with dogs
- Embedding the topic in the classroom
- The "Helpers on Four Paws" campaign
Interactive knowledge
Our practice material also includes practice parts for children.
Welpen Guideline
Diese Welpen-Training Guideline ist eine Art Leitfaden für alle Hundebesitzer, die eine erfolgreiche und glückliche Beziehung mit ihrem Welpen aufbauen möchten. Sie bekommen eine Übersicht, welche Sachen sie Ihrem Welpen beibringen sollten, um gute Manieren zu entwickeln und sich in Ihrem Zuhause gut zu benehmen.
Die Guideline hilft, das Verhalten Ihres Welpen zu verstehen und eine erfolgreiche Trainingsroutine zu entwickeln.